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Sudan - The Current Context and Concerning GBV Trends Trends Analysis and Situational Update as of 29 November 2023

Dec 06, 2023

The situation in Sudan continues to be incredibly fluid, with the situation particularly in Darfur states deteriorating rapidly since early November, ...

Scaling Up but Not Meeting Needs: Analysis of 3 Months of Scaled-Up GBV Response in Sudan - GBV AoR Sudan November 2023

Dec 06, 2023

In 2023, three already existing and protracted crises deteriorated to the point where the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) announced a system-wi...

Statement on the Occasion of the World Day Against Trafficking in Persons

Jul 31, 2023

Global crises, conflicts, and the climate emergency exacerbate pre-existing trafficking risks and give rise to new ones, as traffickers capitalize on ...

New Reports

GBV AoR Helpdesk Annual Report 2023

Jan 31, 2024

The report contains information about the requests received by the GBV AoR Helpdesk throughout 2023, including the countries with the highest number o...

Supporting a Holistic Response for Women and Girls in the Gaza Strip 12 December 2023

Dec 11, 2023

The humanitarian community has been united in its call for unfettered humanitarian access to the Gaza Strip so that civilians can be reached with life...

Life for Women and Girls in the Gaza Strip and the International Response GBV Sub-Cluster Palestine Update and Advocacy Note – 12 December 2023

Dec 11, 2023

The violence being experienced by civilians in the Gaza Strip extends beyond suffering that human beings can endure. Gazans have been deprived of the ...

Briefing note about the crisis in Haiti - GBV Subcluster - Women & Girl's 16 Days of Activism campaign 2023

Dec 07, 2023

Crisis Context : Over the past year, gang violence dramatically increased and armed gangs’ violence has expanded. There is an increase in reports of e...

Rapid Gender Analysis: Gendered Impacts of the OCtober 2023 Escalation in Gaza - UNRWA October 2023

Oct 24, 2023

This Rapid Gender Analysis (RGA) has been developed as part of UNRWA’s commitment to providing evidence-based gender-responsive support to the Gazan p...

Priority Life-Saving Actions: For Gender-Based Violence Prevention, Risk Mitigation and Response in Gaza

Oct 23, 2023

Follow your organization’s safety and security measures/instructions at all times before helping others. While the current conditions are severely con...


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